Saturday, January 2, 2010

Who makes BABY BUCKET Slings?

BABY BUCKET Slings are made by a stay at home mom on the Central Coast of California named Katy Smith. Katy has been married for 8 years and has two young children. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends, blogging and interacting with other moms on her local moms' board, gardening, hiking, backpacking, sewing, drawing, singing, and doing home improvement projects and interior design. Katy's background is in teaching; she has her Bachelor's degree in Liberal Studies and English from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Her latest passions are training for a 5k and 10k run using couch25k, studying God's Word through Beth Moore's new Breaking Free Bible study, spending time with her girlfriends, and going on new adventures with her husband, son and daughter.


Cherish said...

Hey Katy! Remember me? Jaime was telling me she ran into you at the reunion and then I saw your comment. I'll have to read your family blog when I get a minute.

In the meantime, I just wanted to say how great it is that you make slings! I'll definitely buy one when I get pregnant, I'm a big fan of babywearing.